Health Benefits
Sea Moss Benefits
Sea Moss is a superfood (SeaWeed) of the sea!
Sea Moss has 92 of 102 minerals that the body is composed of, and that’s incredible neither plants nor vitamins can measure up to the nutritional benefits. It is naturally produced from the earth in the ocean.This secret immune defense weapon has too many benefits to list so here are some for your review. But, don’t just take our word for it, make sure to do your own due diligence.
Mucous Destroyer:
Sea Moss has been medicinally used to maintain a healthy mucous membrane, it's a natural decongestant as well as containing antiviral compounds that help the body fight off infection and boost the immune system.
Improves Mood:
Sea Moss is a natural antidepressant due its high potassium levels (8x more than a banana). Potassium is especially good for our mental health because it helps activate and regulate serotonin in our brain, that lovely chemical that makes us feel good and positive. Those who take daily have reported a decline or elimination of anxiety and depression as well as no longer need of antidepressant pills.
Thyroid Health:
Sea moss assists thyroid glands because it contains a significant amount of iodine, the thyroid glands exhibit a requirement for this atom group, and thus it is required for proper gland function, iodine plays an important role in our abilities to fight diseases. Germs can gain access to the blood through cuts in the skin, nasal membranes, and throat passages or via intestinal tract. Iodine has a limited anti-microbial role, as blood circulates through the body it passes through the thyroid gland, iodine is secreted into the bloodstream through the thyroid, where it kills weaker germs.
*Please note: Sea moss is rich in iodine, which is good for your thyroid, but if you're already taking medication that has iodine in it, you could have way too much of a good thing here and it could negatively affect the gland. Similarly, if you don't need this type of medication, the iodine in sea moss might support your already healthy thyroid. Consult with your doctor before making any changes.
Promotes Health Skin:
Sea Moss is nourishing to the skin due to its higher mineral content. It works both from the inside out and topically and is especially good for skin issues like sunburns and rashes. As well as drinking the gel you can massage it directly into your skin. It also makes for a lush face mask.
Strong Bones:
Sea Moss is super-rich in sulfur-based amino acids, sulfur helps to reduce swelling for sports injuries or ailments affecting the knees, ankles and other joints of the body while shielding the joints against inflammation that leads to joint problems like arthritis. Many professional athletes report taking sea moss on a daily basis.
Natural Energy Booster:
No more caffeine! Iron is another BIG mineral under the Sea Moss belt, it is perfect for those suffering from fatigue, bad concentration, and restlessness.
Benefits for Women:
Sea Moss also contains more iodine and selenium minerals than any other food on earth! This is especially good for supporting thyroid health and mood.
Benefits for Men:
Sea Moss is also rich in zinc which helps libido making it a go-to natural aphrodisiac, ideal for improving your performance in the bedroom. In addition, it helps to increase sperm count and motility. In Jamaica it's commonly referred to as nature's Viagra. No more blue pills!